May 1988 Newsletter Highlights


Mr Chaston takes the lead on this newsletter as Brian Tudor, the Secretary and Treasurer is ill. Brian had taken ill at Christmas and decided he could no longer carry on as Steward of the Clubhouse which had a new Steward, Mrs Carol Tambling.

Brian had also decided that he couldn’t continue as Secretary/Treasurer so the club were hoping to replace him in the near future.

The number of sharks in the previous season was 380 which was well up on the one prior when only 122 were caught. The winter had been very mild so all were hoping for another good season.

The Annual dinner was booked for the Hananfore Point Hotel and the cost had been held at the previous years prices …. A 1988 dinner at 1987 prices. After so many years of out of control inflation this must have been nice.

Mr Chaston reported that the new fish market in Looe was now fully operational and was proving to be something of a tourist attraction.

Special mention was given to Mr Erik Manson and Mr Dave Pottinger of Lerwick who had caught a total of 31 qualifying Porbeagles with an average weight of 255lbs.


A Line from the Secretary – Brian Tudor

Due to ill health I have retired from the club after 17 years, which I am sure I shall miss, even more so once the season starts. Both Margaret’s and my lives have revolved round the Club to a very large extent, especially since founding the Clubouse in May 1975. We both look forward to seeing some of you who visit Looe down on the Quay during the summer and please, those who can spare a minute, we would be delighted if they would knock on the door of Pedlars Bench for a cuppa and a yarn and relive the “good old days”. We both wish the Club as successful future and to each of you “Tight Lines”


Brian Tudor


Annual General Meeting

Mr G Nancollas made a statement on behalf of Mr Barnes and he was at present unwell and unable to attend.

Chairmans report – Mr St. John Holt welcomed members and hoped that next year there may be more present. This was Mr St. John Holts second year as Chairman and therefore he would be standing down. Mr Holt informed the Committee that he would be retiring in March 1989. He further noted that catches out of Looe had increased and that financially the club was prospering.

Accounts – In general the Caunter Room was viable and 1987 had saw reserves being able to be increased. The machines were the most fluctuating figures. Gross profits in the bar were up. Caunter stock had remained constant at circa £1500. The consolidated balance sheet gave an increase in reserves and investments.

Election of President

On behalf of the committee, Mr Holt proposed Mr Kingerlee.  With all in favour, none against Mr Holt offered his congratulations and asked that thanks be extended to Mr Barnes for his fine work over the past four years.