March 1974 Newsletter Highlights


Brian Tudor is still the secretary and the headquarters is on The Quay in Looe


The economic state of the country at the time was putting financial pressure on business, clubs and individuals so Brian was encouraged to be able to report that interest in sharking was continuing.   He apologised for the lateness of this Newsletter which he said was due to the 3-day working week…..

The club were still in cost cutting mode and those members who had paid their subscriptions were receiving their new membership cards with this newsletter … saving in postage.

Rex Barnes, the Chairman who had taken ill at the end of 1973 was reported to be well again, however Bill Denham had not been so well and had left Looe to return to Bristol.


Bacardi Sponsorship: The Bacardi promotors had advised the SACGB that they were withdrawing their sponsorship due to the economic climate

Emblems: Pricing of these had increased which was due to the rate of inflation at the time.  Wall shields had increased by 27% since 1972 and blazer badges by 21%.

Boat List 1974: It was decided due to the economic uncertainty not to publish a Boat List as this included pricing which with unpredictable inflation could very quickly be out of date and misleading. In its place a list of boat skipper contact details was provided to members.

Barbican Trophy: it is not apparent why but the committee considered it necessary to define the meaning of “single handed” in relation to this trophy.  The definition was given as, the angler must, completely unaided, strike, play, gaff and boat the shark and that all other persons present must assume the role of witness only.


Annual Report:  1972 was the clubs 21st Anniversary year and although the number of sharks caught (2958) had increased over the previous year (1753) the number of sharks of 75lbs and over had fallen to 13 which was a 50% reduction on the previous year. When you compare this to 1967 when 139 sharks of 75lbs and above were caught you can understand the financial impact this had in relation to full member additions.  The number of sharks between 50lbs and 75lbs had increased from 156 in 1972 to 207 in 1973 which Brian confirms made it an Associates year in terms of memberships.

Dr. Quentin Bone, the clubs Hon. Marine Biologist and John Stevens were continuing with the tagging programme.

The club had managed to achieve one World Record and four British Records and light tackle sharking was still maintaining its popularity.

Interest in the new Life Membership option was reported as encouraging.


Accounts: the club had managed to show an excess of income over expenditure which was assisted by the Life Membership fees (a one-off revenue boost) and Associate Membership which made up for the reduction in full memberships. The Shark Weighing account once again showed a deficit which was essentially due to the lack of sharks of 75lbs and over. Costs were rising though, and the club was having to be more financially vigilant than ever before.


British Shark Records Committee:  As normal the records listing was provided with the newsletter but the highlights provided by the Chairman of the British Sharks Record Committee, Mr. J Wallbank were

Mrs Robinson with a British Record Blue of 51 lbs on 20lbs line class tackle

Mrs Summers with a British Record Porbeagle of 128lbs on 50lbs line class tackle

Mr Childs, who broke his own record twice with a British Record Blue of 51lbs on 6lbs line class tackle. The previous two sharks weighed 24lbs and 51lbs

Mr Stokes with a British and World Record Porbeagle of 300lbs on 130lbs line class tackle