Hall of Fame

Festival Triple Winners

Angler Years Won
Richard Day 2004, 2019, 2022

Festival Double Winners

Angler Years Won
Bill Whistance 1999, 2016
Andy Adams 2011, 2014

Festival Lady Winners

Angler Year Won
Hilary Casson 2009
Maaike Rietveld 2005

Notable Events

Angler Event Picture
Chris Bett Congratulations to Chris, who has now won all four I.G.F.A Shark Slams, and is the only person to do so. This includes two world records. 
Dan Vokins and the Vokins Family

This is to congratulate Dan and family for their efforts and also their conservation minded fishery at the Isle of White.

They recently reached a milestone of catching their 50th Thresher shark in the Isle of Wight. The family never boats large sharks and tags and releases all their catches for the National Marine Fisheries Service. They received this IGFA Catch Certificate to commemorate their acheivements.

Chris Bett The First person in the world to achieve the IGFA Grand Slam and Royal Slam Certificates.
Harvey O’Malley Record number of qualifiers in one day on the Borwellen II boat with skipper Dan Gummo (they had 12 in total which included 5 qualifiers – biggest was Harveys 74 inch to the fork x  34 inch round 107 lb) Harvey also caught a 173lb male that weekend