Trophy Achievement Points Estimated Weight Winner
Mitchell Hedges Best Shark of the season Blue -123.5lbs J Ardin
Mickey Wonnall Runner up to Mitchell Hedges Blue – 109lbs S Staniford
Norman Lorraine Best Blue Shark of the season Blue – 123.5lbs J Ardin
Phil Heathman First Blue Shark of the calendar year of 213cm or over, or 137cm or over if a Porbeagle, Mako or Thresher  Blue – 104.5lbs I Chaston
Auger First Shark of 120 points or more caught in the season  Blue – 123.5lbs J Ardin
Venning Most outstanding or unusual capture of the season Blue 96lbs – caught on 16lbs line – new British Mens Record R Wooding
Leslie Andrews Light Tackle Best Shark of season caught on line of 24kgs(50lbs) breaking strain or less Blue 96lbs – caught on 16lbs line – new British Mens Record R Wooding
Daphne Case Trophy Best Shark caught by a member resident in Looe  Blue – 104.5lbs I Chaston
The Cornish Trophy Best Shark caught by a member resident in Cornwall Blue – 104.5lbs I Chaston
W F Crow Trophy Best Shark caught in the season by a member whose permanent address is London Blue – 105lbs N Harvey
R C Roberts Best qualifying Shark of the season Porbeagle – 218lbs J Edward
Redknap Trophy Best Shark caught during the season by a member resident in Oxford Blue – 96lbs R Wooding
Hampshire Trophy Best Shark caught during the season by a member resident in Hampshire Blue – 78lbs I Lamb
Surrey Trophy Best Shark caught during the season by a member resident in Surrey Blue -109lbs S Staniford
Gloucestershire Trophy Best Shark caught during the season by a member resident in Gloucestershire Blue – 123.5lbs J Ardin


Monthly Cups – awarded for best Shark caught each month

Month Winner
July I Chaston (104.5lbs Blue)
August S Staniford (109lbs Blue)
September J Weait (91lbs Blue)
October J Ardin (123.5lbs Blue)

Skippers Trophies

Trophy Achievement Winner
Cock of the Fleet Awarded to the Looe Skipper (Club Member) of the boat catching the heaviest Shark of the season I Chaston
Fishermans Protection Awarded to the Looe Skipper (Club Member) catching the most Sharks in one day (8 to 9 hour trip) P Gould
Fred & Betty Reid Memorial Cup Awarded to the first Looe Skipper member for the first qualifying shark of the season P Gould
Kingerlee Trophy Awarded to the best shark caught in the season by a Looe non member Skipper I Chaston